5 Ways To Enhance Home Network Security

September 8, 2023 | Blog

The further we immerse ourselves into an increasingly digital world, the more important it becomes to create secure online networks at home. 

An overwhelming majority of kids, ages 3-18, have access to the internet through a computer or phone. And, a growing number of students are utilizing school-issued devices to use during and after school. Where internet use and online access had previously been reserved primarily for adults only a few years ago, it has become part of every day for kids finishing schoolwork, gaming, posting or shopping.

Increased activity comes with increased users, which means online security is even more important now that it was when we first fell in love with Prime shipping, Netflix and Facebook back in the day. 

How do you go about locking down your home network in ways that keep internet access usable but secure? There are countless suggestions available, but we’ll offer up five that can’t be missed. 

Talk to your family. Online security isn’t a conversation that should be avoided. Generally, kids and older individuals could use some guidance and reminders on secure internet practices. For example, kids should ask about downloads before doing them. The same goes for online purchases. The risk of downloading a virus or malware is prevalent, and the chance of ordering something off of a bogus site is real. It’s a good practice to have some ground rules for online activity for kids, and an open environment for older family members to ask questions and double-check the legitimacy of certain sites before initiating a potentially-harmful action. 

Think like a business. Use strong passwords for routers and other WiFi-enabled devices and insist that family members do the same for their online accounts. If you’re stumped, use the suggested passwords that some sites offer or utilize a password generator. To keep those passwords safe, use a password manager. While you’re thinking like a business, consider using a VPN, turning on a firewall and encryption service and disabling remote router access.

Create a guest network. Think of a guest network as a buffer, allowing others to utilize your home’s internet connection while protecting the devices in your home and the data you’re transmitting. A guest network also prevents the opportunity for a visitor to accidentally invite malware or some other malicious program into your network or your devices. 

Keep programs updated. Keeping operating systems and devices updated is critical because those updates come with patches that often beef up online security loopholes — some of which you likely never even knew you had. So, when updates become available, don’t dismiss them. And remind family members to do the same, to keep a strong digital perimeter against malicious actors online. 

Station routers strategically. To best secure the reach of your home router, find a spot in the home that is centrally located. If that’s not possible, at least position it so that it’s away from windows. Keeping a router centrally located, and away from external walls is possible, reduces the chance that someone can access the network from outside the home.

Contact us to learn more about how our computer experts can offer you ongoing support for any issues you’re experiencing. 

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