Best Practices for Remote Work

July 28, 2023 | Blog

“Going to work” looks different than it has in years past. The pandemic-influenced shift to remote work has had staying power, meaning more people than ever before are doing their jobs outside of company offices.

Statistics indicate that between one-quarter and one-half of the U.S. workforce is working remotely, be it full time or as part of a hybrid arrangement. And, forecasts anticipate that the number of remote workers will continue to grow in the years ahead. 

Of course, remote work has its own demands, despite offering more work-life balance and increased flexibility. From security to connectivity to designating a productive workspace, there are a number of things remote workers should tackle to make the most of their work day.

Prioritize security. A recent survey featured in Forbes revealed that nearly three-quarters of employers view remote workers as a security liability, which means it’s important to follow company protocols and prioritize online security. Many companies with a remote workforce will, at the very least, require employees to password protect their devices, reset passwords on home routers and utilize a VPN. However, even is an employer doesn’t require it, remote workers can easily complete these steps themselves to make sure their networks are more secure.

Optimize connectivity. The most important “office supply” when working remote is connectivity. Before transitioning to a remote work environment, be sure to understand the level of connectivity you have and the speeds that may be required to accomplish your work. Otherwise, frustration will be frequent, connections will be dropped and urgent tasks or communications may be lost in the shuffle. To achieve the highest performance of your equipment, be sure to reboot regularly, disable or turn off apps and devices that aren’t in use, and use ethernet connections for devices requiring high bandwidths.

Back up data. If you’re working remotely, be sure to implement practices for data protection and back up. Every company has its own protocol for data storage, whether it’s a shared Google drive or some other type of corporate drive. It’s important to utilize those global drives to protect and store files, as they offer a backstop for local storage and make those files available for others in the company. 

Reliable support. One of the drawbacks of working remotely is that employees are removed from onsite technical support, should a problem arise. At My Computer Works, we work with companies that have remote workforces and we act as an extension of their team, offering helpful and responsive support whenever or wherever the problem is happening. Support, be it from an internal team or an external one — like the pros at My Computer Works — makes remote work run more smoothly. 

Establish a productive workspace. Even though statistics indicate a higher rate of productivity for remote workers, it’s still important to set up a workspace that fosters focus and offers privacy. Experts suggest prioritizing good lighting, a background that is clean and works well for video conferences, a comfortable chair and finding time to move. 

If you are working remotely and need IT support, or if you are a company offering remote work and would like the support of a remote IT team, connect with us at My Computer Works!

Contact us to learn more about how our computer experts can offer you ongoing support for any issues you’re experiencing!


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