How To: Test Your Internet Connection Speed

June 19, 2017 | by Damon | Blog

Learn How to test your Internet Connection from a professional technician!

Why Even Test Your Internet Connection?

When you’re paying money through your internet service provider (ISP) you pay for a certain internet speed. Testing your internet speed is to make sure that you get what you pay for!

Also your computer may be reacting slower, but the issue may not be the computer itself. The issue may lie in the Internet Connection in your home.

Learn how to test your internet connection speed with this quick video made by one of our professional and patient techs at My Computer Works.

If you have anymore questions about this topic or you are still confused on how to check your internet speed please give My Computer Works a call to fix this issue. Finding professional and polite techs is more difficult than you think, but with My Computer Works we have found them for you. Call today at 800-935-6704!

Test Your Internet Connection

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