What Should I Do When An App Installation Fails?

March 11, 2024 | Blog
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App installation is usually a mundane task for users, but installing an app can become a frustrating experience if an app installation fails. Yet, why does this happen, and how can you fix it? The My Computer Works team has compiled this guide detailing everything you will need to know about why app installations fail and what you should do if a phone or computer app installation fails. 

What Are The Common Reasons App Installations Fail? 

Many things can go wrong with an app installation. Have a look below to learn about the reasons your apps could be failing to install:  

Insufficient Storage Space

A common reason app installations fail is that you don’t have enough space on your device. If your device doesn’t have enough space, you’ll usually receive an error message that the app has failed to install because of insufficient space.  

For example, if an app requires 10GB of free space and you only have 5GB free, your installation is guaranteed to cause an error notification and fail until you free up more space. 

That’s why, before downloading and installing an app, it’s crucial to check the size requirements while removing any other unused apps and files using your space. 

Below are a few tips you can use to manage storage space and circumvent the insufficient storage space issue: 

  • Uninstall apps you haven’t used in a while.
  • Clear temporary files and app caches often.
  • If a lite version of apps is available, opt for those over the regular apps.
  • Utilize an app management tool to avoid keeping redundant and large apps.
  • Use a separate storage for your media (videos and photos).
  • Cloud-based app services should be considered to access apps as they avoid apps taking up all your local storage.
  • Stay proactive by regularly checking your device and ensuring your storage usage is not being filled up by unnecessary files or applications.

Incompatible Device Specifications

A phone or computer app installation can also fail because your device is incompatible with its specifications. An incompatible device specifications issue means that your device’s operating system does not meet the requirements to be compatible with the app you are trying to install.

An example of this is if you’re operating on a 32-bit system and attempt to install 64-bit software, this will lead to an error.

Network Issues

Unfortunately, a computer or phone app installation can also fail if there are network issues. A network issue is a broad spectrum, so it’s best to speak with a computer tech to resolve your app installation failure if a network issue is involved. 

However, most network issues that cause app installation failures include: 

  • You’re dealing with connections that are too slow and unstable to download, which causes an interruption in the installation. 
  • You’re facing a limited bandwidth network issue, which can lead to corrupt files being installed. 

Although not as common, installation failures can also be caused by network timeouts, packet loss, and DNS errors that may block access to the app and verification service. Both are considered to fall under network issues.  

Software Conflicts

A computer app installation or phone app installation may also fail due to software or driver conflicts. This can be defined as the software being incompatible and conflicting with another software or driver on your device.

For example, an error message will likely be displayed if you install software that uses the same file or port from a different software. A good way to prevent this is to check dependencies and compatibility before installing the software. This information is easily accessible on the software website. You must also ensure your device’s software is always up to date, as it ensures a seamless app installation process.

Wrong Settings Or Permissions

When incorrect settings or permissions are set up on the device, it can lead to app installation failures. Usually, when there is a permissions or setting issue, it means that your user account or system does not have the right authorization or configuration rights. If this is the case, you will get a detailed error of what needs to be changed.

To prevent this from happening, always ensure you have set the permissions and settings that are required for the app to successfully be installed. These system settings extend from the user account to antiviruses or firewalls, so check all avenues.

Follow These Steps For What To Do When An App Installation Fails

When an app installation fails, it’s not the end of the world. Have a look below how to troubleshoot why your app installation has failed:

  • Step 1: Check that you have a stable internet connection, as a weak one may lead to an incomplete installation or a failure to download error. If this step does not solve the problem, then continue troubleshooting.
  • Step 2: Attempt restarting your device, as, in some cases, it may resolve any temporary glitches affecting the installation.
  • Step 3: Try updating your operating system, as it may resolve compatibility issues.
  • Step 4: Clear out any unnecessary apps or files to ensure you have ample space for your new apps.
  • Step 5: Try reinstalling. Sometimes, all it takes is to attempt to install again, as occasionally, there are server issues or network congestions that cause the first attempt to come up with an error.
  • Step 6: Check the settings around the permissions, as an app might need to access features on your device to operate.
  • Step 7: Assess your VPN and antivirus applications to ensure they are not interfering with the app installation process. 
  • Step 8: You may need to review the specifications on the apps page or website to establish if your device is compatible with the app.
  • Step 9: Ensure that the security and firewall settings are not preventing the app installation process. This normally can be done by accessing your antivirus application settings.

Should you follow these steps, you can successfully perform a basic troubleshooting process that may resolve the current app installation issue you’ve been facing on your device.

Wrap-Up On What To Do When App Installation Fails

Now you know why app installations fail and what to do when this happens. Knowing this information will help you navigate installation failures like a pro while helping you feel less frustrated when this error message pops up.

However, if you still can’t seem to determine why your app installation keeps failing even after troubleshooting, you should speak with our team at My Computer Works

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