Saying Goodbye to Windows 10: What’s Next for Your Operating System?

August 2, 2024 | Blog
a person working on a laptop that has an updating hologram above the keyboard.

Microsoft Windows 10, released in 2015, was one of Microsoft’s most significant milestones. Its new system features represented the birth of a modernized and more dedicated user-friendly experience. Since its release, it has become an old but reliable operating system.

In the present day, Windows 10 is nearly dying, and we know that’s dramatic, but that’s the truth. 

So, unfortunately, if you’ve been hanging onto Windows 10 and side-eyeing Windows 11, it might be time to make the switch. This is especially true considering most people will have no choice but to say goodbye to Windows 10 as soon as October 2025. 

With this being the case, what’s next, and how should you best prepare for its inevitable end? The team at My Computer Works isn’t going to leave you hanging. We’ve shared what’s next for your operating system and even a few tricks to keep Windows 10 past its expiry date if you are not quite ready to part with it. 

What Will The End Of Windows 10 Mean For Users? 

When we say thatA woman in an office setting working on her Laptop. we are reaching the end of life for Windows 10, it means that Microsoft will issue the end of support for Windows 10 and discontinue updates for the operating system. While your Windows 10 will still be fully operational, it won’t be updated regularly to keep your device safe from threats. 

This means your computer, software, and data will be at risk of security threats and hacking, and your computer might encounter bugs and other related issues that can affect its performance. But don’t panic yet, as you have some options to prepare for this end of Windows 10.


Risks Associated With Not Updating Your Windows To Windows 11

If you do not want to make the transition from Windows 10 to Windows 11, it’s completely understandable. You are moving away from what you have used for years to something completely new. However, you should be made fully aware of the risks of not changing to Windows 11. Let’s have a look at these risks below: 

Performance Degradation

An outdated operating system will show signs of reduced optimization and degraded performance as time passes. It’s also normal for compatibility problems to arise when installing it on new hardware. Without updates to address these problems, your system will likely start to crash and become unstable, leading to numerous issues like data losses and trouble with already installed software. 

Compliance Concerns

Compliance regulations are required to ensure systems are secure and up to date. Once the end-of-life date has passed, you may find that you are violating your compliance standards. This violation can lead to legal problems, loss of official certifications, and fines if you use your computer for work purposes. 

Security Concerns

The biggest concern is probably the risk of security breaches. Outdated operating systems are often prime targets for hackers as they are easily exploited. Regular updates are needed to protect your operating system with the latest patches and vulnerabilities. Without these frequent updates, Windows 10 will be open to cyberattacks and other potentially harmful breaches. 

Compatibility Challenges

Technology is ever-evolving, and with the discontinuation of Windows 10, you will likely have more compatibility issues. This is because hardware manufacturers and software developers have stopped supporting old operating systems.  

These compatibility issues will limit the device’s overall functionality and slow down productivity. Workarounds and other upgrades to prevent compatibility issues from affecting your device can also become costly.

Minimal Support and Assistance

Another problem you may face is that there won’t be a dedicated support system once Windows 10 reaches its end of life. This means that organizations and users of this operating system won’t have access to technical support to resolve problems and bugs that may pop up. 

Is Windows 11 The Right Move? 

New Windows operating systems always have pros and cons. They often have their own compatibility issues, especially with older hardware and software. 

While created to be user-friendly, the Windows 11 user interface can have quite a steep learning curve when you’re used to older operating systems. Many have also complained about the increase in system requirements and the integration of Microsoft Teams, which forces users to have a Microsoft Account before they can set it up.

Knowing these downsides, you may be questioning whether moving to Windows 11 is the right decision. To help you decide below, we explain why updating to a Windows 11 operating system is most likely your next best step.

  • Improved performance: Windows 11 maximizes performance and efficiency on most devices, making it ideal for businesses that need efficient technology.
  • Better user experience: The Windows 11 OS has been upgraded to a more modern look, making navigating and customizing your device much more convenient.
  • Beefed-up security: The new operating system has the most up-to-date security features, deterring cyber criminals from attacking your system.
  • Improved integration with cloud services: The Windows 11 system offers a more extensive range of cloud-based services. This is an ideal feature for many businesses.

What Other Options Do You Have? 

All hope is not lost yet for those wanting to stay on Windows 10 a little longer. The biggest concern you will need to address is preventing security breaches. With Microsoft, the company does provide a service known as Extended Security Updates. 

Of course, the service isn’t free and usually has a cost rate per device that may double each year. While costly, it provides a short-term solution to keep using Windows 10 after its end of life while you try to find an alternative operating system that works for you, such as macOS or Linux. 

The Wrap-Up On Choosing Your Next Operating System 

It can be difficult to accept change, but we can reassure you that once you begin to work on Windows 11, you will find that Microsoft has ensured that it has crafted a better OS system with improved features and functionality. 

So, if you have the choice, why not avoid the frustration and don’t risk your security by stubbornly clinging to the old operating system? The sooner you decide to upgrade to Windows 11, the better for your device and your peace of mind.

If you need assistance transitioning to your new Windows 11 or have more questions about why it’s the best choice, you can speak with us at My Computer Works. Our support technicians are ready to help you move your OS into the future. Contact us now for all your computer-related needs!


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